FPDB folder not maintaining write permissions



I've got the problem that whenever I upload my site (which includes a
database) the write permissions are being overwritten, and I keep having to
wait hours for my host to reset them.

I have other sites containing databases and it's never been a probem before,
however, the latest database is located in the fpdb folder, while the other

Searching the archives, I found the following quote from Thomas A. Rowe
suggesting that "the FPDB folder doesn't always maintain write permissions
after publishing updates, which then causes your ASP application to fail to
update the

If that's so, can I get around this problem by just moving the database to
another folder?


Sorry, couldn't see how to reply to this from Google groups.
From: Thomas A. Rowe ([email protected])
Subject: Re: Databases - best practices

Newsgroups: microsoft.public.frontpage.client,
Date: 2000/03/30

FP2K extensions during publishing will sometimes pass along folder
permissions from your local PWS to the remote server.


Local sites had browse permission disabled on the root web, and when I
published the site to the remote server, FP also set the root web to be not
allow browsing.

FPDB folder doesn't always maintain write permissions after publishing
updates, which then causes your ASP application to fail to update the


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
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Thomas A. Rowe

The only option would be to see if your host will let your store the
database outside of the web root (you would use FTP to upload the database
to this folder). However if you still use FP to create the connection, you
must leave the fpdb folder in the web.

Are you other web running the database from a subweb as well or from the
root web?


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe


This sound like you host has a problem with how there server or this
specific account is setup, as it should rarely happen.

I store all of my databases outside of the web root and use a System DSN to
connect to them from anywhere within my account/site with all connections
created via Tools | Web Settings | Database which creates the global.asa in
the root of the web or subweb, etc. as needed.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

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MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Thomas -

The database that works is at (simplified)
http://www.mywebsite1.co.uk/mydatabase1.mdb There is a folder called
hoteldb which contains all of the progams which write to and query the
database. I originally had the database in the hoteldb folder too, but for a
very good reason which now escapes me I moved it out. There is no fpdb

There are many subwebs in this website (e.g.
http://www.mywebsite1.co.uk/chester). They are all different clubs which
have different stylesheets and designs, but they call and share the database
programs and all works well.

The second database is in
http://www.mywebsite2.co.uk/mysubweb1/fpdb/mydatabase2.mdb . There may
eventually be more than one subweb, for the reasons above. I'm not yet sure
whether they will share one database, or have one within each subweb. At the
moment I've gone for the second option.The whole thing is working perfectly
well on my local server.

I was getting the "Operation must use an updateable query" error on Friday,
so the host reinstalled FrontPage 2002 extensions and set the database to
write permission. I was then able to update the database. However, there was
an error in one of the programs and the database became locked. The host
deleted the whole site, I corrected the code and reuploaded everything and
since then the "Operation must use an updateable query" error is back.

The host told me that every time I upload the database, the write permission
is being overwritten.

I've seen other posts recommending that databases go in the _private folder.
Can they be written to in there? Should the database just be in
http://www.mywebsite2.co.uk like the one that's working?



Thomas -

when you say 'outside of the root web' where do you mean? Completely out of
your website, or in another folder within your website?

I'm familiar with using ODBC to configure the system DSN to point to the
database on my local system, where ever it may be, but I have to get the
host to set it up for me on their server.

When I connect to the live website via Frontpage and use Tools | Web
Settings | Database I am able only to select from a list of mine and other
people's dsn names - I don't have the option to be able to browse and select
from files and folders within my website as I do locally.


Thomas A. Rowe


Basically, your host would have to have a configuration similar to the
following for your account:

database folder
wwwroot folder

The database virtual folder is accessed via FTP

The wwwroot folder is accessed via FP/FP extensions and browsers. The
database folder can not be seen or accessed via FP or browsers.

I prefer to use a System DSN, since I can easily test locally without having
to modify the global.asa file and any connection strings between the local
and remote server, since the System DSN name is the same on both servers.

I have to first upload the database via FTP to the remote server, then
create the System DSN, which is assigned a unique name by the host, then
back on my local machine, I create a System DSN using that unique name, then
create the database connection in FP locally to generate the global.asa
file, since my host doesn't allow access to the System DSN list, then I
publish with FP to the remote server, once publish I open the remote site in
FP and verify or re-create the database connection.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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