fphover button: object required



I have created a web page with FrontPage 2000 using hover buttons.
When I open the page, I get an error: "Error: Object Required; Line
177; Character 1; Code 0". The buttons display fine, and they work
correctly. Sometimes when I scroll down the page and then back to the
top (where the button are) they don't re-draw properly. The color may
be different, only half the button displays, or one of the (three)
buttons don't display at all.

I get the error viewing the page from both my local hard drive and the
web server. I have the files fphover.class and fphoverx.class both in
the same directory where the html page is stored.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?


Stefan B Rusynko

That's a javascript error
Suspect it is from the "gunk" at (onload is unsupported):

<img style="CURSOR: hand" onclick="javascript:mapClick();"
ut%3a%26%40%24%3a%26%40y%3al4z%3al61%3aTD%15JFE%3aHOHQJ%3bwaalz1%3a%29rr01ut%3a%26%40%24%3a%26%40%24x9%40" onload="imageLoaded()"
border="0" name="mqmap" galleryimg="no">

| www.MailPortPlus.com
| > Can you post a URL??
| >
| > --
| > using 2k PRO but....95isalive
| > This site is best viewed............
| > .......................with a computer
| >
| > | > > I have created a web page with FrontPage 2000 using hover buttons.
| > > When I open the page, I get an error: "Error: Object Required; Line
| > > 177; Character 1; Code 0". The buttons display fine, and they work
| > > correctly. Sometimes when I scroll down the page and then back to the
| > > top (where the button are) they don't re-draw properly. The color may
| > > be different, only half the button displays, or one of the (three)
| > > buttons don't display at all.
| > >
| > > I get the error viewing the page from both my local hard drive and the
| > > web server. I have the files fphover.class and fphoverx.class both in
| > > the same directory where the html page is stored.
| > >
| > > Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
| > >
| > > Thanks!


Your JavaScript function mapClick() has not been defined in line 176:
<img style="CURSOR: hand" onclick="javascript:mapClick();"

This error has nothing to do with hover buttons, which many users of ie6,
WIndowsXP, and NS6 will not be able to see anyway, due to lack of a Java
Virtual Machine.


Thanks for your help! I didn't realize I had that other function call
in there. I don't get the error anymore, but I still have the re-draw
problem, so I'd appreciate any suggestions on that.

I have checked the site on several computers with IE6 and WinXP and
the buttons display just fine except for the occasional re-draw
problem mentioned earlier. I believe JVM is still pretty standard.


Hover buttons were described as "... quirky, at best ..." by Tom Pepper
Willett [MVP] back in 1998 (IIRC). They have never improved since. New
installations of Windows XP, and upgrades to IE6 will not have the JVM
installed unless the users download Sun's inferior version. I do not have a
JVM, and Sun's version would not work properly on my PC.
Your mileage may vary - but this newsgroup is littered with queries
regarding the lack of a JVM, even on the authors' own machines.
Best advice is to avoid Hover buttons, and use JavaScript rollovers instead.
Links made with these will function in any browser (including Lynx) on any
PC, and the buttons will load faster.

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