FPSE not supported in my hosting provider




I want to install a reply form and i have follow the steps you describe in
all previous topics, i have contact my hosting provider to install the FPSE
and they answered me that " the server has the new version of PLESK 8.3.xx
that not support the FPSE technology and also that Microsoft has stop the
support of this technology "
Do you knon if is any alternative way to install a reply form??? its
website: www.krakow.gr


Hosts dropping FPSE support is unfortunately becoming more common. Usually
that host will provide an alternative form program to a FPSE support form.
What is your host? I would look in the support section of your webhost for
information about what forms they DO support. From "Publisher web
publication forms 101 :
http://msmvps.com/blogs/dbartosik/archive/2006/01/07/80564.aspx :

"You can opt to not use FPSE for your form processing in which case your
program may provide for a level of customization not available with
Publisher and FPSE. If your host provides and supports a form program and
you have the technical know how to program it (or your host assists you). In
the form properties dialog for your form simply select the option to use "an
ISP Program" and then input the server path and name of the form program."

And, perhaps you should consider a simple javascript form that you can
insert via the insert html code fragment feature. I would Google for
"javascript form"... Here is an example of a simple one...just copy and
insert this script into a page, change the email address to the one you want
to use:


<FORM action="mailto:[email protected]" method="post"
<TD width="30%"><DIV align="right">
<TD width="70%">
<INPUT type="text" name="name" size="20">
<TD><DIV align="right"><B>Email:</B></DIV>
<INPUT type="text" name="email" size="20">
<TD><DIV align="right">
<TD><TEXTAREA name="comment" cols="30" wrap="virtual" rows="4">
<INPUT type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit">
<INPUT type="reset" name="reset" value="Reset">


You might also search this group, as there have been other javascript forms
suggested by others.



Thank you for your answer, these information was very helpful.Also the code
for the form that you send me is working nice and is what i wanted..the only
problem is that when someone submit the form i get the following message from
internet explorer
"This form is being submitted using email.Submitting this form will reveal
your email address to the recipient and will send the form data without
encrypting it for privacy.You may continue or cancel this submition"

and when you press ok then is a second window appears with these information
"A program is attempting to send the following email message on your
behalf.Would you like to send these message? "

Is any way that i can make these 2 messages to not appeared???

About my hosting provider is TOPHOST ( www.tophost.gr ) and they told me
that they can send me a reply form in PHP but i am not experienced in that
and i am not sure if i can install it..so i think i will use your JavaScript..

Thanks a lot


Glad it worked for you. I also get the warnings and am afraid that is just a
built in "security" feature in the operating system on your computer. I
think it is so that a malicious script can not just email from your machine
without your permission. I guess I would suggest that you use the script
until you find something that works better. Google for "javascript forms" or
some such and see if you can find one that doesn't do this.

I was going to search your webhost for more information about the PHP forms,
but am afraid I don't speak your language at all. What is that language? Is
it Greek? You do an excellent job with English by the way.



Yes the language is greek,i know you have a expresion in english that when
you have a strange sentense with strange letters you says" thats looks like
greek":) in greece we have this only for chinesse language:)
By the way the good english is absolute help of my girlfriend as i am not
good in that:)

Thanks for your help,i will try to find a form from google or try to set up
this form that they wil send me in Php.

Best regards from Greece

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