fractions to date


Vivian H.

I am copy and pasting an htm form to an excel file. All works well except one
field. On the htm it is a fraction - 4/4 , 3/2 etc. It converts to date of
4-April, 2-March. My ultimate goal is to keep it as a fraction or break it
into 2 fields- a= 4, b=4. Then I will convert it to a .csv file and import
to a third program. I am using Excel 2007. I don't have a clue how to
accomplish this. Please help.


One way is as follows;

Suppose you have got the dates (after wrong conversion) in Col A...

Enter this in B1
to get the month as a number

Enter this in C1
to get the date

Or this
="'" & =TEXT(A1,"m") & "/" & =TEXT(A1,"d") to get it as a fraction
(formatted as TEXT)

Vivian H.

Thank you! This does exactly what I need.
Sheeloo said:
One way is as follows;

Suppose you have got the dates (after wrong conversion) in Col A...

Enter this in B1
to get the month as a number

Enter this in C1
to get the date

Or this
="'" & =TEXT(A1,"m") & "/" & =TEXT(A1,"d") to get it as a fraction
(formatted as TEXT)

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