Frames keep changing size



I'm using Frontpage 2000, and I'm having problems with the frames for my
site. I've made a diagram of my frames to help explain.

Frames 1-4 are frames that are not fixed to a certian number of pixels.
Frames 5-11 are fixed to a certian number of pixels. This is so the
background images of those frames line up and make a nice layout.

So my first problem is one I'm used to when working with sites with frames
like these. See front page doesn't seem to agree with other graphics
programs I'm using as to how large a pixel actually is. So the frames come
out the wrong size for the images, even though I'm making them the same
amount of pixels. I usually can fix this by playing around the the various
frame sizes manually and by playing with the pixel amounts.

Then comes my new problem, rather then this being a permant solution, the
frames go back to being the wrong size. This happens after I close front
page, and then reopen it.

I've uploaded the frames page for refrence. As you can see, the frames are
the wrong size.

Any help at all with this problem would be greatly appreciated.

Tyler "Sakura Fairy"

Thomas A. Rowe

Instead of using a frameset, consider using table and inserting a IFrame or use CSS to structure
your page layout.

You are aware that by using frames, either a frameset or IFrame that search engines will index your
content but the links will be to the pages outside of your frameset/IFrame, example:

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Stefan B Rusynko

The browsers (NN & IE) render windows & frame windows differently
- both need 'space' for nav bars or page borders and the frame must be larger than the image in it

You can't dimension frames mixing px & % as in
<frameset rows="25,470,98%">
And what do you think will happen to users with different resolutions in a frozen frame like
<frameset cols="18,455,325">

Your whole page layout could be done in tables w/o any frames or a minimum w/ 1 IFrame

| I'm using Frontpage 2000, and I'm having problems with the frames for my
| site. I've made a diagram of my frames to help explain.
| Frames 1-4 are frames that are not fixed to a certian number of pixels.
| Frames 5-11 are fixed to a certian number of pixels. This is so the
| background images of those frames line up and make a nice layout.
| So my first problem is one I'm used to when working with sites with frames
| like these. See front page doesn't seem to agree with other graphics
| programs I'm using as to how large a pixel actually is. So the frames come
| out the wrong size for the images, even though I'm making them the same
| amount of pixels. I usually can fix this by playing around the the various
| frame sizes manually and by playing with the pixel amounts.
| Then comes my new problem, rather then this being a permant solution, the
| frames go back to being the wrong size. This happens after I close front
| page, and then reopen it.
| I've uploaded the frames page for refrence. As you can see, the frames are
| the wrong size.
| Any help at all with this problem would be greatly appreciated.
| Tyler "Sakura Fairy"

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