

T. Jenkins

I have what is probably a very easy question. I'm using Photoshop Elements
2.0 to create some basic photo web galleries. One that I like (named
"Horizontal Dark," I think) has a frame at the bottom with thumbnails of the
photos, and shows a larger version of the selected photo in the top frame.

I'd like to create several different sets of these web galleries, and create
a main page that allows users to navitage to each gallery. The issue is that
I'm having problems with the thumbnail frames at the bottom. In some cases,
I lose the frame altogether, and in other cases, I get multiple frames.

I'm using FrontPage to edit the main menu. Again, I'm sure this is an easy
problem, but I can't figure out how to fix this issue.


E. T. Culling

I'm not quite sure but here are my suggestions.
Import the whole folder that PE2 makes for the gallery. I believe that there
will be an index.html page within each of those folders.
On your 'navigation' page (with some thumbnail images, text etc.) link to
those various index pages within those separate folders from either the
thumbnail or the text, sort of like this: (although I didn't happen to
use FP to build that page). You may not wish to go to a larger version of
the thumbnail.

E. T. Culling

Forgot to say that you don't want to put the galleries within another frame

T. Jenkins

Thanks for the response; and your site is very nice, and is similar to what
I'm trying to achieve. However, as I mentioned, I'm running into trouble
with the frames.

My initial plan was to have a "navigation" home page, as you mention, with
thumbnails linking to each of the difference sections. Each of these would
then have thumbnails for all of the photos in that set. Photoshop Elements 2
does a nice job of creating these pages, and the one I'm using adds the
thumbnails in a frame at the bottom.

The problem is that the frame settings from the different levels of the web
seem to be interfering with each other. For example, when I browse to one of
the sections, and then click one of the thumbnails below, the frame
disappears when it displays the photo for that thumbnail. In other cases, I
wind up with multiple frames at the bottom of the page.

I apologize for asking what is probably a basic question, but any help would
be appreciated.


Thomas A. Rowe

You need to place the large images onto individual pages, then change the link from the thumbnail to
point to the page with the large image, where you can also specific the target frame name, so that
it open in the frameset.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

T. Jenkins

Photoshop Elements creates the separate page for each large image, and this
works fine as long as I use the individual webs it creates. However, I'm
having problems with the thumbnail frames. Once I create my navigation page,
with or without the thumbnail frame, as soon as I start navigating between
the webs, the thumbnail frames become confused (e.g., multiple thumb frames,
one above the other, mixture of thumbs from different webs, etc.)

Main issue is probably my lack of understanding of frames. There must be
some way for me to keep the frames, right?


Thomas A. Rowe

One solution would be to create each as separate folder/subweb/site in your web, and then link to
the main page and have it open in a new window.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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