MK Wong
To All Webmasters,
IP2Phrase.com would like to introduce you with its high quality free
webmaster tool. IP2Phrase™ allows you to dynamically insert
self-customized welcome messages with visitor's country, city and ISP
information on to your web page. Webmaster can either design your own
phrase or use one of our defaults. There is no need to install any
special software on your web server. Webmaster only need to add
JavaScript snippet in 5 seconds.
If you find our free service useful, please consider to add a link to
our website.
IP2Phrase.com would like to introduce you with its high quality free
webmaster tool. IP2Phrase™ allows you to dynamically insert
self-customized welcome messages with visitor's country, city and ISP
information on to your web page. Webmaster can either design your own
phrase or use one of our defaults. There is no need to install any
special software on your web server. Webmaster only need to add
JavaScript snippet in 5 seconds.
If you find our free service useful, please consider to add a link to
our website.