Not necessarily true.
I'm not commenting on the quality of free templates, but you have to first
decide if you website is meant to entertain people or just give them
pertinent information. If it's just information then a good, clean, logical
web layout is the best-and most "business" users just want to get what they
want to know fast. As long as it looks professional they don't care if the
layout is familiar, in fact-they may appreciate it.
If you are looking to entertain, then yes, get someone to create you a
razzle dazzle site.
For many business users "flash" means "dash".
I don't need to see a bunch of animated sprockets dancing and talking over a
rap backbeat. I just want to find the part I need.
JL Paules said:
Have you tried a Google search?
Also, remember, if it's free, it's been done - many times. Any business that
uses an over-used template is often overlooked. Spend a little money and
hire someone to create something new and fresh for your business.
JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
That's Confidential said:
Anyone know where I can maybe find some new FREE templates to use to design
my commercial website? My website will be used to advertise and