Freeing Space



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange


We have a designer that is running out on space on her MAC and has 160GB of email (locally) that we would like to move without removing it from Exchange server if possible. She is using Entourage 2004. Main concern here is to free some space...

Any help would be greatly appreciate it.

Adam Bailey

We have a designer that is running out on space on her MAC and has 160GB of
email (locally) that we would like to move without removing it from Exchange
server if possible. She is using Entourage 2004. Main concern here is to free
some space...

Entourage is designed to cache the complete contents of an Exchange
server locally. Other than setting Entourage not to download large
messages automatically, you do not have the option to keep it on the
Exchange server and not have it in Entourage.

I do not recommend keeping such large message stores on an Exchange
server. Does she regularly need to access *all* of this email? If not,
consider archiving some of it to another location.

If she's a designer, I'm guessing that much of the space may be taken up
by artwork elements that were emailed to her. Email is not an ideal
place to store files. Index them nicely and save them to a server

If that absolutely won't do, consider creating a separate Exchange
account for storage that she only accesses in OWA.

Diane Ross

We have a designer that is running out on space on her MAC and has 160GB of

This is obscenely large. I do believe if there was a prize for the largest
database this person would win hands down.

You might look at some third party options to archive your emails.

EagleFiler, Mail Steward are two examples. There is one that uses FileMaker
but it's expensive and right now can't remember the name, but I imagine you
would need a heavy duty one for all that mail.



William Smith [MVP]

Diane said:
This is obscenely large. I do believe if there was a prize for the largest
database this person would win hands down.

I'll agree with both Adam and Diane.

You're allowing your designer to use your mail server, which should be
used for transitory data, as a file server.

Work with your designer to create a location for his files on a file
server. Require him to file his attachments on the file server and
remove them from messages in his Exchange account. Then set a reasonable
quota (1GB would be generous) for his Exchange account so that he
doesn't continue using the mail server for long term storage.



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Thank you all for clearing this up. I appreciate your help. We will work something out now that I have certain answer in place (I am sure our designer won't like this...)


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