Freeze IDE or other strategy ???


Greg Wilson

I don't think there's a hope in hell but I thought I'd ask anyway.

I've added an option to an AutoIndent macro I wrote some time ago that
inserts vertical dashed lines at each indentation level in order to assist
analysis of code structure. The dashed lines are created by inserting
apostrophes on each line at each indentation level. If the code structure is
correct, then the parts of each block code statement are aligned at the same
indentation degree (as per the AutoIndent macro) and are linked with the
dashed lines. This should (yet to be used in practice) be useful for analysis
of code with a lot of nesting that is also long.

The problem is that the apostrophes make the text in each line turn green
(since they are used to create comment block), and therefore, the colouring
for key words and statements is lost, hindering analysis. It would be nice if
there were a way to just freeze the IDE so that it wouldn't change when I do
this. I have another macro that removes the dashed lines (apostrophes) which
could then reenable the IDE. Or possibly some other stragegy?

Confirmation that there's no realistic hope is also of value since I can
then move on.

Greg Wilson

Greg Wilson

Thanks for the response.

I'm aware of Steve's SmartIndenter. I don't remember if I was aware of it
when I wrote my own version - probably not. It was in part a spin-off from
something else I wrote anyways. I prefer my own because it works great and,
to be honest, I'm pleased with myself for being able to figure it out. I'm
just a self-taught-all-things-computers amateur and don't have to be

I think the dashed lines option is of value in spite of the green colour
problem. I've noticed that sometimes the IDE ignores macros that have syntax
errors until some action keys it to examine it; afterwards, it won't leave it
alone till you fix it. Don't know what causes this. Was hoping something
could be made of it. Not realistic I know. Experiments with prefixing the
code lines with various oddball ansi characters in hopes of blinding the IDE
have been unsuccessful.

I really appreciate you gurus. It's great what you do. Thanks again.

Best regards,

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