Freezes when trying to download an attachment.



When trying to download (save as) or upload an attachment, the Outlook 2003
freezes. I have verified that I have the current updates for both Windows XP
and Outlook 2003. Can anyone help?


Midge said:
When trying to download (save as) or upload an attachment, the Outlook
freezes. I have verified that I have the current updates for both
Windows XP
and Outlook 2003. Can anyone help?

Try disabling e-mail scanning in your anti-virus program. When sending
large mails, the AV program interrogates their content and that takes
time. The larger the mail, the longer it takes to scan.


Thanks Vanguard. I'll adjust my virus software too. However, I just paid
for tech support from Dell and they said was related to a recent Windows
update and change something remotely on my computer and now it is working


Midge said:
Thanks Vanguard. I'll adjust my virus software too. However, I just
for tech support from Dell and they said was related to a recent
update and change something remotely on my computer and now it is

Yes, there was a Windows update (don't remember the KB number but not
too hard to find through a search) that came out last Tuesday that is
wrecking havoc on many Windows hosts. Microsoft needs to actually
publish another "update" that simply removes that last one so users
don't have to be hit with the problems, waste time figuring out the
source of the problem (which is Microsoft's fault), and then do lots
more testing to make sure it doesn't have the evil side effects that
were evident in their last update. I'm waiting to hit by a nasty from
the update and will uninstall it if and when it happens. Knock on wood,
I haven't been nailed yet so it would be interesting to know what common
environment factors are present on those users' host that have the ill

The assumption is that when not noting the history of the problem that
it was recent. While Tuesday isn't that long ago, I assumed the problem
showed up today and not back since Tuesday.

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