Freezing Panes and the bottom of screen


Kieron Capehorn

I know you can freeze panes for columns to the left and rows at the top.
What I want is to freeze panes at the bottom of the screen. I have a series
of values that need totaling in the middle of the screen and the totals at
the bottom. I am now out of space and want to move the total further down
the sheet (i.e the row 200). I need the totals to be visible at all times
and be able to scroll up and down to see the values that are being totaled.

The obvious solution is to move the totals to the top and freeze the panes
as normal, but this is quite inconvenient because when I go to print out the
information which i have to do at regular intervals, the totals have to be
at the bottom of the final sheet. Is there a way to freeze the bottom part
of the spreadsheet where my totals are currently situated?


Don Guillett

You could have at the top and use a macro to hide/unhide the last row or
copy the top row to the bottom before printing. In fact it could be a
"before_print" event macro.


A more straightforward solution is to have your totals on row 1 with
your headers on row 2 and freeze the panes so that rows 1 and 2 are
always visible. Insert a new row 1. Highlight the row with your totals
on (row 200) and cut and paste to row 1. Ranges in the SUM( ) formulae
can be extended far beyond your current ranges so that you don't have
to worry about adding new rows. E.g. if your range is currently
SUM(A3:A199) then highlight row 1 and do Find & Replace (CTRL_H) to
change 199 to 10000 (or whatever) in one operation.

Hope this helps.



Sorry, I didn't finish ...

Your print range can start at row 2 if you want to avoid printing the
totals at the top of the page. You can include the totals in a footer
if this is convenient, or as Don says copy them to a row well below
your data and hide the intervening blank rows with a filter.


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