I wish to to count the frequency of a character wthin a
string. Does anyone have any idea how this is possible?
My best guess so far is to create a loop using
application.worksheetfunction.find but this is rather
Does anyone know if there is a function which will do it
for me? I have spent ages in the help files but cant find
I know application.worksheetfunction.frequency is similar
to what I want but it needs an array entered into it
whilst I need to input cells(x, y).value
Any help would be much appreciated
string. Does anyone have any idea how this is possible?
My best guess so far is to create a loop using
application.worksheetfunction.find but this is rather
Does anyone know if there is a function which will do it
for me? I have spent ages in the help files but cant find
I know application.worksheetfunction.frequency is similar
to what I want but it needs an array entered into it
whilst I need to input cells(x, y).value
Any help would be much appreciated