Frequently "Ignore" in Spelling Does Not Work



Word 2007. When I click "Ignore" or "Ignore All" for a word that is not in
the dictionary, Word correctly removes the red underline and I continue on;
and when finished, save/close the document. Then, when I open the document
the next time, some, but not all, of the "ignored" words are again flagged as
mis-spelled. This did not happen on Word 2003 or 2000. This occured on the
"base" and after I applied SP2 in hopes that would get rid of the problem.
Does anyone have a solution for it? (The words are correctly spelled, and I
realize I could click on "add to dictionary", but they are archaic, and/or
seldom used words so I'd rather not clutter up the dictionary ). Thanks

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I'm not convinced that anyone (except the Natural Language Group at
Microsoft) really understands how "ignore" is supposed to work, but my
experience has been that the ignoring is usually only good for a specific
Word or document session. But then I don't use "Ignore" much any more.

Another approach that you might find more satisfactory in this case is to
create a "no proofing" character style to apply to these words. For more,
You can find instructions for creating a character style at the beginning of
my article at Assign a
keyboard shortcut to the style, and when you encounter one of your archaic
terms, double-click to select it and use your keyboard shortcut to apply it.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Terry Farrell

I agree. AFAIAA, 'ignore' has only worked for that one edit session since at
least Office 97.


Thank you both for the replies. Ms. Barnhill, I'll use your character style
to work around it. Had no idea it was possible to do such a thing. Will
also explore your site for more information. Mr. Farrell, "... 'ignore' has
only worked for that one edit session since at least Office 97." Then I
don't understand why some of the "ignore" selections stayed "ignored" in
subsequent openings of the document. Guess its one of the program's quirks
I'll have to live with; and Ms. Barnhill's "character style" gives me a


Issue has been isolated: If the document is a ".docx" the described
condition occurs. If the document is a ".doc" the described condition does
not occur. Tried it on several .doc/.docx's to make sure. Also tried it on
Word 2000 and 2003 - only ".doc" format was available in those two - and the
condition does not occur.


Just to complete the record in case others come across this thread in the
future. Opened an incident with Microsoft tech support. After a couple of
hours on the phone and their using "microsoft easy assist server" to contro
my PC, they concluded that "yes it fails on .docx but not on .doc, and that's
one of the differences between the two formats" and we agreed to close the
issue as "unresolved". Personally, I think they should submit an error/bug
report on it, but they will not.


Thanks. I appreciate it. One other thing that was found during the tech
support effort: If Word 2007 stays active/open, and the document is
reopened, the "ignored" words are still ignored. If the Word session is
ended and then restarted and the document is reopened, the "ignored" words
are again flagged as mis-spelled.

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