Fresh Install Project Portfolio Can't Log In


Joseph Mann


I am not able to login using any of the standard user Ids.

I have tried logging in using the windows ID which I have used for
installing the PPS (as mentioned in the installation guide). Login fails with
error message "You have entered an incorrect user name/password combination."
I have also tried without any password and received same error. i am unable
to figure out what the "SuperUser" is or what the ID and login ID is. I have
reinstalled multiple times thinking it was my install. All installs went
well. I am just not able to log in.

When I checked the dbo.SfUsers table, for default administor ID I can see
the password as "Invalid pass, uses Integrated Auth".

Pls. let me know how I can login to the tool first time after installation.



After install Portfolio Server 2007 with windows ID account, you shoul
create a new user as administrator to configure portfolio server.
superuser (account that you use to install the software) dont hav
sufficient rights to configure.

So, after installation process succeed, log on to the web using window
ID account, then go to Settings / User Management / User Grou
Management, add new User Group and apply all rights to this group. The
go to Settings/User Management/User Management, and add new user a
member of the group that you already created

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