From Column D to D:G



Hello from Steved

Below will sum Col D How would I get it to sum D:G please

Sub AddSum()
r = Range("D65536").End(xlUp)
MsgBox "SUM:" & _
Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("D1:D" & r))

End Sub


Gary Keramidas

just change the 2nd D to a G

Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("D1:G" & r))


Hello Gary from Steved

If I sum each Col and the sum the 4 Columns I get 1462003

If I use Application.WorksheetFunction.Sum(Range("D1:G" & r)) I get 1208502.

Is there something I'm doing.


Gary Keramidas

you're getting the lastrow number from column D. is that the last row in E.
F and G, too. or is there data below the last row in column D?

use the lastrow variable in the column with the most rows and make sure no
totals are included

Gord Dibben

Maybe columns E, F or G extend farther down than column D.

As written you will be summing D1:Gr with r being last row in column D

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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