From field for Discussion web



I have been trying to get help with this for the past few
days, but I still haven't gotten an answer for what I want
to do so I'll try again...

I made a discussion web using the wizard, and on my
article submission form I would like to have a field
titled From. There is no choice for this in the wizard.
Right now my only 2 fields are Subject and Comments. In
the Options for Discussion Form Handler I have tried
typing "Subject From" for the Form Fields, but nothing
happens. I know that I am able to make the username
appear next to the subject by checking the User Name box
here, but I don't want to do that b/c that puts like
server#'s in front of it, which I don't want to do. I
want my submission form to have a field titled "From" and
then the name they type in there is appended to the
subject. If anyone can help me with this problem I would
really appreciate it!

Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
I have been trying to get help with this for the past few
days, but I still haven't gotten an answer for what I
want to do so I'll try again...

I made a discussion web using the wizard, and on my
article submission form I would like to have a field
titled From. There is no choice for this in the wizard.
Right now my only 2 fields are Subject and Comments. In
the Options for Discussion Form Handler I have tried
typing "Subject From" for the Form Fields, but nothing
happens. I know that I am able to make the username
appear next to the subject by checking the User Name box
here, but I don't want to do that b/c that puts like
server#'s in front of it, which I don't want to do. I
want my submission form to have a field titled "From" and
then the name they type in there is appended to the
subject. If anyone can help me with this problem I would
really appreciate it!

1. Add a text box named Name to your submission form.
2. Right-click the form area, then choose Form Properties
from the shortcut menu.
3. Under Where To Store Results, make sure Discussion
Form Handler is selected.
4. Click the Options button.
5. When the Options For Discussion Form Handler dialog box
appears, make sure the Discussion tab is selected.
6. Under Table Of Contents Layout, in the Form Fields
text box, add the word Name, in the sequence you want
it to appear in article listings. Be sure to maintain
one space between each word in the text box.
7. Click OK and OK, then save the page.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
|| (All from Microsoft Press) ||

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