from IP-to-Country Database to Office 2004



A friend in CA told me to download IP-to-Country Database; but after
downloading, I could not open it on my OSX Imac because of what Apple
Tech Support said was a non-supportable csv file. But, the Apple gal
added, that possibly Microsoft Entourage might solve the problem, but
she was not sure. So I downloaded Office 2004 11.3.5 and 11.3.6
update; but found none of these major downloads opened either. And
when I tried to open Office from Application, I got an exclamation
message indicating: The installer could not locate the correct version
of the software required to install this update. See the Read Me
file ... which did not help me either. Calling Microsoft's 1-800 got
me a guy saying he could not help me either. And all I was attempting
to do was locate an old friend, 86, using his IP; he last emailed me
from Nevada saying it was so hot out there he was hurting.

Should I just get rid of all these Microsoft downloads ~ what a waste!

William Smith

alwl said:
A friend in CA told me to download IP-to-Country Database; but after
downloading, I could not open it on my OSX Imac because of what Apple
Tech Support said was a non-supportable csv file. But, the Apple gal
added, that possibly Microsoft Entourage might solve the problem, but
she was not sure. So I downloaded Office 2004 11.3.5 and 11.3.6
update; but found none of these major downloads opened either. And
when I tried to open Office from Application, I got an exclamation
message indicating: The installer could not locate the correct version
of the software required to install this update. See the Read Me
file ... which did not help me either. Calling Microsoft's 1-800 got
me a guy saying he could not help me either. And all I was attempting
to do was locate an old friend, 86, using his IP; he last emailed me
from Nevada saying it was so hot out there he was hurting.

Should I just get rid of all these Microsoft downloads ~ what a waste!

I was able to open the file
in Excel. CSV (comma separated value) files are readable in Excel.

I did receive an error while opening and I notice that the row count is
65536. I can't remember if this is near the limitation for Excel or if
that's an older version of Excel I'm thinking of. One of the Excel MVPs
or anyone else here who is familiar with Excel may be able to confirm or

Hope this helps! bill

Bob Greenblatt

I was able to open the file
in Excel. CSV (comma separated value) files are readable in Excel.

I did receive an error while opening and I notice that the row count is
65536. I can't remember if this is near the limitation for Excel or if
that's an older version of Excel I'm thinking of. One of the Excel MVPs
or anyone else here who is familiar with Excel may be able to confirm or

Hope this helps! bill
Excel 2004 has a limit of 65536 rows. Importing a text file with more than
this many rows will truncate the data and generate an error. To import the
whole file, you will need to do it in pieces into several Excel worksheets.


Judging from the way the post is worded I believe the problem may be more
basic than that -

In order for the Office 11.x _updates_ to do any good you need to have
Office 11 installed in the first place. The error message indicates that the
user *doesn't* - and may not have any version Office at all.

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