From MSProject Professional 2002 to MSProject Server 2007


Enric - BCN


We have some users using MSProject Professional as an isolate product and we
are planning to integrate all of them in a server or just in a SQL database.
So my questions are:

1) Is there any product (Microsoft or not) that can store all projects in a
database and open them, using the msproject client and having all the data
repository in the server. (Without any web interface)?

2) Or do we have to move to the EPM solution with all the Microsoft features ?

We would like to have a multiproject view, sharing resources, having the
same views, filters...etc for all projects

Appreciated any help

Best Regards

Ben Howard

Hola Enric,

Your requirements tell me that you should be using Project Server 2003 or

Enric - BCN

Thanks Ben,
We need to integrate all the current projects in a unique site, allowing to
have a complete view of them.
From this first step, we will develop more requirements such as: portfolio,
integrate subprojects (managed by departments) of the current projects
(managed by the PM Office) in the we will be able to see their


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