From variable to excel constant



In an excel sheet I'm allowing users to pick from dropdown whether they want
to print in xlPortrait or xlLandscape. It's not feasible to go directly to
Page setup because this page setup that we are applying is for another file.

However, when I read this choice to a variable and setting
pagesetup.orientation to this variable, it doesn't recognize it. This is
because xlPortrait should not be a text, but a constant.

Is there a formula to convert the string to constant? I must allow user to
do the selection in the worksheet.



Try not to apply the text xlPortrait, but the integer of this

xlPortrait = 1
xlLandscape = 2




xlPortrait is a number and can't be treated as text.. This means it can't be
combined into a text string and can't be inside a double quoted string. It
also can't be selectect be inside a textbox.

You can do something like this

From a drop down box put Portriat or Landscape

select case Range("A1") 'or a textbox which has Portriat or Landscape
case "Portrait"
printmode = xlPortrait
case "Landscape"
printmode = xlLandscape
end select

pagesetup.orientation = printmode

select case Range("A1") 'or a textbox which has Portriat or Landscape
case "Portrait"
pagesetup.orientation = xlPortrait
case "Landscape"
pagesetup.orientation = xlLandscape
end select

The use printmode which is a number in your print command.

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