front page 2003 from search form "can't open the word hash file g.



I edited my web site with front page 2000 I have upgraded to Front Page 2003
I added a search box on my home page sothat people can search my site for a
spicific word or words. But it does not work iths is what i get "Error from
search: can't open the word hash file

No documents found. Please try again." Is it because the pages were
originaly done in Front Page 2000? or other. How do I fix this problem?
Thank you

Thomas A. Rowe

Ask your web host to run a check on the extensions and/or check the permissions.

Also if the site is hosted on Windows IIS web server, Index Server needs to be running and a Index
Catalog needs to be created for the site by the web host.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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