Front page 2003 guest book


not me

My guest book was configured to log to my guestbook email. Now for some
reason, its going back to the webpage and logging there, as well as my
guestbook email. I don't want to automatically log to the guestbook because
its a family read site, and the spammers have no respect for that. Any help
in redirecting this would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Andrew Murray

Are you using the FP Guestbook (web-bot?)? That seems to attract spam - or
maybe not more so than any other.

Instead of that, you could have the guestbook form submit the email to you;
you can then filter the real entries from any junk, and then post the real
entries to a html page manually, and off line, then upload the page.

Alternatively use a database and display using the database results wizard.
You don't need a html form on the web site, you can edit records offline in
MS Access, then upload the database.

You'll need to do this every time you have new entries, or you'll need a
password protected folder if you use the form to submit the guestbook
entries, or give your family passwords/usernames to access the protected

Jason Lu [MSFT]

Hi Tom,

If your guest book is the default one generated within FrontPage, you may want to configure the form in your guestbook to send the results
only to your e-mail. To do so, you can open the site in FrontPage, open the guestbook page, right click the form and then select "Form
properties". Then remove the content in the "File name" box and only configure your e-mail in the "E-mail address" box.

I hope the information helps.

Jason Lu
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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Thank you. You fixed the problem.
Jason Lu said:
Hi Tom,

If your guest book is the default one generated within FrontPage, you may
want to configure the form in your guestbook to send the results
only to your e-mail. To do so, you can open the site in FrontPage, open
the guestbook page, right click the form and then select "Form
properties". Then remove the content in the "File name" box and only
configure your e-mail in the "E-mail address" box.
I hope the information helps.

Jason Lu
Microsoft Online Partner Support

When responding to posts, please "Reply to Group" via your newsreader so
that others may learn and benefit from your issue.

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