Front Page Built Website Not Viewed Properly on Fire Fox



I have designed and maintained a website (
with Front Page 2002. I have been told by a couple of people who browse with
Fire Fox that they can't properly see this website. Since they do not reside
in my area, and I do not have Fire Fox, I can't see what they are seeing. I
have been told that there is a way to fix it, but am at a loss as to where to
find a fix explained.

Any ideas?

E. T. Culling

Why don't you download firefox ... it's FREE! and a great browser that is
much 'safer' than IE!

Thomas A. Rowe

How is FireFox "Safer" then IE?

BTW: I do like the FF UI, but I don't see it as being safer to use.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WebMaster Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.

E. T. Culling said:
Why don't you download firefox ... it's FREE! and a great browser that is much 'safer' than IE!

E. T. Culling

Well this is an admittedly weak answer but "they" say Firefox is safer. (I
don't want to do the research right now.)

Thomas A. Rowe said:
How is FireFox "Safer" then IE?

BTW: I do like the FF UI, but I don't see it as being safer to use.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WebMaster Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.
If you feel your current issue is a results of installing
a Service Pack or security update, please contact
Microsoft Product Support Services:
If the problem can be shown to have been caused by a
security update, then there is usually no charge for the call.

Bob Lehmann

Time to move on from the 286, Rob. :>)

Bob Lehmann

in message Possibly the use of vml and absolute positioning.
Keeps crashing my machine when I try to look at source, so that's all I
could see.


Defintely WordArt/vml is the culprit... -

<!--[if !mso]>
v\:* { behavior: url(#default#VML) }
o\:* { behavior: url(#default#VML) }
..shape { behavior: url(#default#VML) }


in message Possibly the use of vml and absolute positioning.
Keeps crashing my machine when I try to look at source, so that's all I
could see.

Bob Lehmann

I've hopped of the Hardware treadmill. My only concession being to go with
512M Ram, which is the max in my machine.

I've got a 5-years-old P3, 800Mhz that serves me well. Unless I decide to
become a Java programmer and use hog IDEs like Eclipse there's no reason to
move up. We're migrating to Java where I work. We all now have / need 1.4Ghz
machines with a gig of Ram just to run the stupid dev tools.

<sigh>I remeber when my P1, 133Mhz, 8M Ram, 1.5G hard drive Gateway seemed
like a lot of machine. And it only cost $3000</sigh>


in message It's an 8088.

Seriously, though...sometimes when I look at source on a site that's been
generated with FP2003 it will crash this machine (yah it's old but only
happens with fp03 sites). I think it wanks out the video card memory, card
is relatively new...Xtasy 9200 (i think).

Bob Lehmann said:
Time to move on from the 286, Rob. :>)

Bob Lehmann

in message Possibly the use of vml and absolute positioning.
Keeps crashing my machine when I try to look at source, so that's all I
could see.

elelkay said:
I have designed and maintained a website (
with Front Page 2002. I have been told by a couple of people who browse with
Fire Fox that they can't properly see this website. Since they do not reside
in my area, and I do not have Fire Fox, I can't see what they are
have been told that there is a way to fix it, but am at a loss as to

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