Front Page Confirmation Form


Mike the Realtor

I created a form in Front Page for users to complete and submit to my e-mail.
When the user completes the form and clicks submit, a confirmation page
opens up displying the information the user originally entered on the form.
If the user realizes they made a mistake, when they click the back button all
the fields are blank again and the entire form must be filled in to be
re-submitted. Is there a setting that will retain the info entered into the
form so it is still there when the user clicks the back buton to make the

Thomas A. Rowe

No, also at the time the user sees the confirmation page, the form data has already been sent to the
email address. You would have to use a custom written server-side scripting (ASP,, PHP, etc.
base on what is supported by your web host) to accomplish.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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