front page dhtml menu



i have been trying to understand drop down menus in front page 2003, and how
to use them to jump to other sections of the site....Here's an example:

in this example, only the far left picture is active...the picture is linked
to another section, but i would rather use the bar that appears below that
picture to "activate" a jump to the location....

what am i NOT doing to make the bottom "hold" so i can drop down to that
menu to make the selection so a visitor can go the desired, selected


Dan L

Your 'onmouseout' statement is making the subbuttons disappear. Remove it
and they'll stay. BTW, How will visitors know to mouseover the first picture
to view your navigation buttons?


Let me clarify something....I want the menus to stay....but i want them to
disappear when i go to the next picture....and the far pix....and then i want
them to completely disappear when i get away entirely from them....

I have now activated two of the pictures....the far left, and the center
one....the submenus...still remain on mouseout....

thanks for your help!

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