Front Page Discussion Web



I used the Front Page (2003) Discussion Web Wizard to completion. However,
whenever a discussion post is submitted, it does not show up anywhere. What
am I doing wrong?

Rick Budde

You don't state it but are you testing this on a server
that is running the Front Page Extensions? And did you
publish your website using the "http" method of
publishing (as opposed to FTPing your site to your host)?


Rick Budde said:
You don't state it but are you testing this on a server
that is running the Front Page Extensions? And did you
publish your website using the "http" method of
publishing (as opposed to FTPing your site to your host)?

Sorry--I left out very important information. I use, and I did activate Front Page Extensions. Second question, I am using HTTP publishing as opposed to FTP. The wizard had worked fine for me originally, but somehow stopped working. Even though I completely tear down the web page and start over, it seems as though the plug has been pulled on me.

Stefan B Rusynko

Open your online DW web in FP and run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks, then View Reports Component Errors

| "Rick Budde" wrote:
| > You don't state it but are you testing this on a server
| > that is running the Front Page Extensions? And did you
| > publish your website using the "http" method of
| > publishing (as opposed to FTPing your site to your host)?
| >
| >
| > >-----Original Message-----
| > >I used the Front Page (2003) Discussion Web Wizard to
| > completion. However,
| > >whenever a discussion post is submitted, it does not
| > show up anywhere. What
| > >am I doing wrong?
| > >.
| > >
| > Sorry--I left out very important information. I use, and I did activate Front Page Extensions. Second question, I am
using HTTP publishing as opposed to FTP. The wizard had worked fine for me originally, but somehow stopped working. Even though I
completely tear down the web page and start over, it seems as though the plug has been pulled on me.

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