Front Page Slide Show


Helmut L.

Help for setting up a slide show on Home Page of my Website.
I am operating a web site designed with FRONTPAGE. Now I would like to add a
slide show on the home page of that site. But, I frank speaking still do not
know how to do and therefore am searching for detailed advices in how to
create successfully such thing.
For my show there would have to be considered the following conditions:
1. No. of slides > unlimited.
2. Start of show automatically when home page opens.
3. Pictures shown should pop up to larger size when pointed by mouse and
return to original size when mouse pointer is moved off them.
4. As long as picture is pointed slide show should not continue to next slide.
5. As soon as pointer is taken off slide show should continue with next slide.
6. Together with picture should come up a programmable slogan, text
normally, programmed to the theme of picture.
7. If slogan is clicked related detail page of same or other web site should
come up.
8. When that page is closing after home page with slide show should come
back and slide show should continue.
9. Is ADOBE’s FLASH the right thing to work on and if yes, how?

Paul M

You would be better using javascript to create a slide show. I have created
one on my site here

here is the source code

the slide show stops when the mouse is placed over the image you would then
have to find a script to create the popup window on mousover

using javascipt would be easier than flash as it would be simpler to add
images rather than edit the flash movie
Spend some time searching the web for slide show script you might find
exactly what you need

Paul M

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