Front Page vs Dreamweaver comment


Walter Muma

Since this is a Front Page forum, perhaps you folks will be interested to
know that I am back to Front Page 2003 after a struggle with Dreamweaver
MX2004! :)
I didn't abandon DW because I couldn't learn it (I am a computer
professional), but because I found it to be buggy and problematic. It was
freezing and crashing a lot (I have adequate RAM & HD space, XP) - FP2003
almost never crashes. I also found the DW implementation of Templates to be
difficult to work with, very unforgiving, and buggy, in contrast with
FP2003's. DW is also a memory hog, and exhibited some irrational behaviors if
I had a few other apps open. And there were several other irritating issues I
encountered. I was quite surprised, as everyone out there on the 'net raves
about DW.
Well, forget DW, I'll take FP2003 any day! :)


Just to be fair, I have never found any of these things to be true with

I am confident that there is a user/system component to this evaluation.

E. T. Culling

I use DWMX2004 on a regular basis and have not encountered any of these
problems. How much RAM?

E. T. Culling

Did you try going to the Dreamweaver forum with your problems? I would ...
we're very helpful over there too.

Walter Muma

Thanks for your responses! Well, maybe it is a user issue, but I tend to
think not.
I have a P4-3.0Ghz, Windows XP Pro, 1GB RAM. If I have DW, FP2003, Adobe
Photoshop, & Outlook Express all running, plus 2 Windows explorer windows
open, I encounter the issues with Dreamweaver: The file bar on the right side
flickers constantly, and I can't do anything till it stops.
I don't recall the situations in which it froze or hung.
I have encountered some other issues as well. Here's a list:
1. Pages based on Templates: Often if I edited the HTML directly, within an
Editable Region, I received a message that I was working in a "Non-Editable
Region" and was offered a dialog box asking if I wanted to save my changes.
Invariably, if I said yes, I wanted to save my changes, the changes were
discarded. This would repeat if I tried again. The only way to get out of
this non-error was to close the file and re-open it. Then I would be allowed
to do the exact same edit I had previously tried. After experiencing this
error over and over again, I got pretty fed up!
2. Dreamweaver is a memory hog. Sometimes if I had a few programs open
(Outlook Express, couple of Windows Explorer windows, Front Page, and an
image editor), Dreamweaver would act strangely. Most often the file/folder
list bar would start flickering, and I would have to wait for it to stop
before I could do anything.
I found it difficult to highlight rows of a table which had editable rows,
on a page based on a template. The highlight simply wouldn't encompass the
rows when the the mouse was dragged down.
3. Dreamweaver doesn't always update links in pages and text fragments when
they are copied/cut and pasted to another page in another folder. Same for
when I cut-and-paste files to another folder. This is very rarely or never a
problem in Front Page 2003.
4. Cannot drag-and-drop files between folders in the file/folder list
5. The program takes a while to start up (a minor issue)
6. In the design view the table info tags get in the way. I don't know what
they are actually called, but I am referring to the bars across tables that
show the table width. With these displayed, they sometimes cover up the row
below, and that row or cell cannot be selected directly in design view. I
have to go click somewhere else, then come back to click inside the cell.
7. The program freezes up regularly, and sometimes subsequently crashes. I
have almost never had Front Page freeze or crash (with the exception of Front
Page 2002)

Yeah, some of these are probably more minor points in the grand scheme of
things, and FP2003 has some quirks too! But these things all added up & I
eventually got frustrated enough that I quit working with DW.


I have a P4-3.0Ghz, Windows XP Pro, 1GB RAM. If I have DW, FP2003, Adobe
Photoshop, & Outlook Express all running, plus 2 Windows explorer windows
open, I encounter the issues with Dreamweaver: The file bar on the right
flickers constantly, and I can't do anything till it stops.

Just for comparison purposes, up until several months ago, I was running DW
on a P4 900MHz, W2KPro, 512MB RAM. I routinely had DW, FW, OutlookExpress,
10 or so instances of a browser window, 2 instances of an explorer window,
and several other apps open on this system, and rarely encountered a problem
UNLESS I had gone more than about 3 weeks without rebooting.

I have seen others with the problem you describe, and it usually boils down
to a graphics driver update. Do you have ATI by any chance?

For the rest of your comments, and in deference to the thrust of this forum,
why not bring this post over to the DW forum at
news:// I'll pick it up there.

Andrew Murray

Excellent! I've upgraded to XP Pro and was tossing up Frontpage 2003 or
Dreamweaver MX 2004......well, for a third of the price, FP 2003 I think is
my choice....I've used all versions since FP97 and love it. Easy to use and
by the sound of things FP 2003 is even easier and better.


You should try Dreamweaver, too, Andrew. I know it's a big bite, but
download the 30-day trial first. Make sure you have a good book in hand....

It is, indeed, very different from FP2003.

Kevin Spencer

Hmm, Hard to say what "computer professional" means these days. I had a
problem with my Internet service this weekend, called Cox cable, and got a
"technician" who couldn't tell me what SMTP stood for. Said he'd been doing
it for 4 years...


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.

E. T. Culling

What does smtp mean?
Kevin Spencer said:
Hmm, Hard to say what "computer professional" means these days. I had a
problem with my Internet service this weekend, called Cox cable, and got a
"technician" who couldn't tell me what SMTP stood for. Said he'd been
doing it for 4 years...


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
.Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.

Tom Pepper Willett

Short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending e-mail
messages between servers. Most e-mail systems that send mail over the
Internet use SMTP to send messages from one server to another; the messages
can then be retrieved with an e-mail client using either POP or IMAP. In
addition, SMTP is generally used to send messages from a mail client to a
mail server. This is why you need to specify both the POP or IMAP server and
the SMTP server when you configure your e-mail application.
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
FrontPage 2003 Product Information:
Understanding FrontPage:
FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions Support Center:;en-us;fp10se
| What does smtp mean?
| | > Hmm, Hard to say what "computer professional" means these days. I had a
| > problem with my Internet service this weekend, called Cox cable, and got
| > "technician" who couldn't tell me what SMTP stood for. Said he'd been
| > doing it for 4 years...
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| >
| > Kevin Spencer
| > Microsoft MVP
| > .Net Developer
| > Neither a follower nor a lender be.
| >
| > | >> Since this is a Front Page forum, perhaps you folks will be interested
| >> know that I am back to Front Page 2003 after a struggle with
| >> MX2004! :)
| >> I didn't abandon DW because I couldn't learn it (I am a computer
| >> professional), but because I found it to be buggy and problematic. It
| >> freezing and crashing a lot (I have adequate RAM & HD space, XP) -
| >> almost never crashes. I also found the DW implementation of Templates
| >> be
| >> difficult to work with, very unforgiving, and buggy, in contrast with
| >> FP2003's. DW is also a memory hog, and exhibited some irrational
| >> behaviors if
| >> I had a few other apps open. And there were several other irritating
| >> issues I
| >> encountered. I was quite surprised, as everyone out there on the 'net
| >> raves
| >> about DW.
| >> Well, forget DW, I'll take FP2003 any day! :)
| >
| >

Kevin Spencer

Understandable in Eleanor's case, but for a support technician for an ISP
not to know... After all, they DO provide email services! ;-)


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Neither a follower nor a lender be.

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