Front Page web site problems



Front Page has set my web site in code to "Absolute" which means when people
view my web site on a small monitor it cuts the web site almost in half.
Furthermore you cannot print out the whole page.
This is my business site. Can anyone help.

Kevin Spencer

Front Page has set my web site in code to "Absolute" which means when
view my web site on a small monitor it cuts the web site almost in half.

This is sort of like saying "My car has hit a telephone pole." Who was
driving the car?

You (the driver) will have to edit the web pages so that they don't use
absolute pixel values. How you do this depends on what sort of HTML elements
you're working with. If you can post a URL to the page(s) in question, we
can help you more.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP

DSI PrintManager, Miradyne Component Libraries:


Thank you for responding and I am working as hard as I can to understand. I
am very new to this and need to understand. What is a URL and where do I find
it and how do I post it.

Tom Willett

The URL is the web site address, such as
You type it into your reply.

More on URL: Uniform Resource Locator
Tom Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| Thank you for responding and I am working as hard as I can to understand.
| am very new to this and need to understand. What is a URL and where do I
| it and how do I post it.
| Philip
| "Kevin Spencer" wrote:
| > > Front Page has set my web site in code to "Absolute" which means when
| > > people
| > > view my web site on a small monitor it cuts the web site almost in
| >
| > This is sort of like saying "My car has hit a telephone pole." Who was
| > driving the car?
| >
| > You (the driver) will have to edit the web pages so that they don't use
| > absolute pixel values. How you do this depends on what sort of HTML
| > you're working with. If you can post a URL to the page(s) in question,
| > can help you more.
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| >
| > Kevin Spencer
| > Microsoft MVP
| >
| > DSI PrintManager, Miradyne Component Libraries:
| >
| >
| >
| > | > > Front Page has set my web site in code to "Absolute" which means when
| > > people
| > > view my web site on a small monitor it cuts the web site almost in
| > > Furthermore you cannot print out the whole page.
| > > This is my business site. Can anyone help.
| > > Philip
| >
| >
| >

P@tty Ayers

Philip said:
Thank you for responding and I am working as hard as I can to understand.
am very new to this and need to understand. What is a URL and where do I
it and how do I post it.

With all due gentleness and respect, it makes no sense to try and produce
web pages until you have more basic knowledge than this. I would recommend
some very basic beginner's tutorials or books on how the web works, how to
use a browser, etc., before going any further. If you'd like
recommendations, we can post some, but a Google search for free basic
tutorials on using the Web or an Amazon search for books should turn up some
good options.

Having said that, we've all been there at some point, so no judgment is
implied! :)

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Have you viewed your web in Firefox yet?

Don't use any items from FP's Draw toolbar; textboxes, shapes, etc, they
rely on VML which is works only in IE and on a PC and if displayed at all in
other browsers it's a downlevel gif. Look at the jaggies and you'll see.

Also...why are you using frames on that web? Totally not needed and will
lead to frustration for you and your viewers...navigation wise, seo wise and
bookmarking wise.


Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

| My URL is
| Thank you for helping me.
| "Kevin Spencer" wrote:
| > > Front Page has set my web site in code to "Absolute" which means when
| > > people
| > > view my web site on a small monitor it cuts the web site almost in
| >
| > This is sort of like saying "My car has hit a telephone pole." Who was
| > driving the car?
| >
| > You (the driver) will have to edit the web pages so that they don't use
| > absolute pixel values. How you do this depends on what sort of HTML
| > you're working with. If you can post a URL to the page(s) in question,
| > can help you more.
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| >
| > Kevin Spencer
| > Microsoft MVP
| >
| > DSI PrintManager, Miradyne Component Libraries:
| >
| >
| >
| > | > > Front Page has set my web site in code to "Absolute" which means when
| > > people
| > > view my web site on a small monitor it cuts the web site almost in
| > > Furthermore you cannot print out the whole page.
| > > This is my business site. Can anyone help.
| > > Philip
| >
| >
| >


I have used text boxes all over on this site. every picture on the site was
put in a box. this is thie only way i found to layer as much as i did. Does
this mean I need to start the whole web site over again.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

I would.


Rob Giordano
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

|I have used text boxes all over on this site. every picture on the site was
| put in a box. this is thie only way i found to layer as much as i did.
| this mean I need to start the whole web site over again.
| philip
| "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > Have you viewed your web in Firefox yet?
| >
| > Don't use any items from FP's Draw toolbar; textboxes, shapes, etc, they
| > rely on VML which is works only in IE and on a PC and if displayed at
all in
| > other browsers it's a downlevel gif. Look at the jaggies and you'll see.
| >
| > Also...why are you using frames on that web? Totally not needed and will
| > lead to frustration for you and your viewers...navigation wise, seo wise
| > bookmarking wise.
| >
| >
| >
| > --
| >
| > Rob Giordano
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > | > | My URL is
| > | Thank you for helping me.
| > |
| > | "Kevin Spencer" wrote:
| > |
| > | > > Front Page has set my web site in code to "Absolute" which means
| > | > > people
| > | > > view my web site on a small monitor it cuts the web site almost in
| > half.
| > | >
| > | > This is sort of like saying "My car has hit a telephone pole." Who
| > | > driving the car?
| > | >
| > | > You (the driver) will have to edit the web pages so that they don't
| > | > absolute pixel values. How you do this depends on what sort of HTML
| > elements
| > | > you're working with. If you can post a URL to the page(s) in
| > we
| > | > can help you more.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > HTH,
| > | >
| > | > Kevin Spencer
| > | > Microsoft MVP
| > | >
| > | > DSI PrintManager, Miradyne Component Libraries:
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > > Front Page has set my web site in code to "Absolute" which means
| > | > > people
| > | > > view my web site on a small monitor it cuts the web site almost in
| > half.
| > | > > Furthermore you cannot print out the whole page.
| > | > > This is my business site. Can anyone help.
| > | > > Philip
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >

Kevin Spencer

A "jaggie" is a jagged edge, such as a curve that has jagged edges because
of the pixels at the edge of the transparent area. A GIF image can only have
one transparent color, so it can not have variable transparency (it cannot
be partially transparent or translucent anywhere).

What Rob is getting at is that a web site has HTML documents in it that will
be viewed by many different types of browsers on many different types of
computers, not just Internet Explorer running on Microsoft Windows.
Therefore, using Word Art, which is a proprietary Microsoft Office
technology, and is rendered in the browser using VML (Vector Markup
Language). VML is not a proprietary Microsoft Offic technology, but it is
not widely used or supported, and can be easily a problem when used in HTML
documents because it relies on its own positioning and scaling rules.

You should stick with straight HTML until you understand it better. Don't
try to do anything too fancy. And if you need any tips, come on back and
we'll be glad to help.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP

DSI PrintManager, Miradyne Component Libraries:

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