Frontpage 2000 - can I set up a message board? Chat room? How?



I am trying to create a new FAMILY website for my VERY large family which
would allow posting messages & photos etc.

Ideally I would also like to set up a chat room.

I would really appreciate any help.

Steve Easton

You can set up a discussion web using FP 2002, but not a chat room.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Andrew Murray

there is nothing in FP (any version) that would accomplish this in detail. You
need a third party product. what you can get and set up depends on your server.

Try, for scripts. has
scripts for all the major server side scripting languages from Perl to PHP, ASP, and so on.

Finding one that you can add photos and so on may take a bit more searching.

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