Within our intranet site we have like 30 subwebs. Of these, we have 4 or 5 that are secured where the user will get prompted for a user id and password to access the subweb. The problem I am running into is that a user will access a site that they have access to by entering their user id and password. However, if that same user attempts to access another subweb that they do not have permission to it is allowing them access. This happens if they do not close their browser
If the user closes down their browser and attempts to access a subweb they do not have permisson to the security piece works fine
Is there anything I can do to within Frontpage security that will require a user to enter their user id and password each time they attempt to access a secured subweb even though they do not close their browser?
If the user closes down their browser and attempts to access a subweb they do not have permisson to the security piece works fine
Is there anything I can do to within Frontpage security that will require a user to enter their user id and password each time they attempt to access a secured subweb even though they do not close their browser?