-----Original Message-----
I have a question regarding Frontpage 2000. I use ws_ftp
also. When I start a designing a webpage in frontpage, I
use the resolution say 800 X 600 or 1024 X 768. I may use
more than one computer. Say I design and upload using 800
X 600 . Will this page appear the same (formatting , word
wrap, everything) and words co not wrap onto the next line
if they are viewed in 2 different resolutions.?Is there a
setting or code in Frontpage I can use that would tell the
browser used to display the page the same way no matter
what resolution was used? Is 1024 X 768 a common
resolution used now adays?
I'd test this first, but you might try using the position
absolute feature. First select the item (picture, text,
button, etc.), then go to Format on the menue bar and
click Position. The window will offer 3 types of
positioning.... if you choose Absolute you can then glue
the upper left corner of a picture or paragraph to a very
specific spot useing the x, y, coordinates rollouts.
If you lay out all of the elements of your web this way
while viewing it at 800x600, a person viewing it at 1024
or higher will simply see a smaller view of your site with
everything positioned the way you intended.
I think anyone with a computer 5 years old or newer is
likely to use 1024 or higher. The question is, will
computer heads be the only ones viewing your web or will
you need to sell to the average Joe also.