FrontPage 2002- Error says "System Exception: Access Violation"



I started getting this message when trying to edit webpages for my school. I am the original creator of pages, I wasn't doing anything different, It won't let me into any part of it. Finally uninstalled Frontpage and reinstalled on a different computer, imported the page that is on the web now (and still okay, except getting more and more out of date). It let me edit a few things on a couple of pages, but I had to recreate the navigation structure and then when I tried to get the background and recreate the theme, FrontPage is encountering errors and needs to close (very frequently) and now it has gone back to the "System Exception: Access Violation"?? HELP only partly web literate teacher!!

Stefan B Rusynko

Are you using any large media files (1MB or over)
- that is the usual cause for that error

Have you tried the usual repairs in the sequence below:
1) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all FP Temp Files
Usually in C:\WINDOWS\Temp and %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp
2) In Windows Explorer Find and delete all hidden *.web files
Usually in %USERPROFILE%\Application Data\Microsoft\Web Server Extensions\Cache
3) Run a Repair on IE
(see )
4) Install all Service Packs for your OS, IE, MS Office and your Video card
(Windows Update and Office Update sites, plus your video card supplier site)
5) Open FP and Disable or Uninstall any FP Addins,
6) Open your FP Web/Site and run a Tools Recalculate Hyperlinks

| I started getting this message when trying to edit webpages for my school. I am the original creator of pages, I wasn't doing
anything different, It won't let me into any part of it. Finally uninstalled Frontpage and reinstalled on a different computer,
imported the page that is on the web now (and still okay, except getting more and more out of date). It let me edit a few things on
a couple of pages, but I had to recreate the navigation structure and then when I tried to get the background and recreate the
theme, FrontPage is encountering errors and needs to close (very frequently) and now it has gone back to the "System Exception:
Access Violation"?? HELP only partly web literate teacher!!

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