FrontPage 2002


Sherri T.

The Home Page I created for my website has the url of: I have this page in my FrontPage folders and
have tagged it with meta tags and keywords. However, Google is saying that
my homepage is and that I don't have a title or any tags or
keywords. How can I find this page in my folders and tag it accordingly...?

David Berry

Check with your web host and see what the correct name of the default home
page should be (ex: index.htm, index.html, default.htm, default.html etc).
It sounds like you have two home pages. The one that appears when you try is the one that is set by the web server and that's what
Google sees.

Sherri T.

That's terrific. thanks David!!
Sherri T.

David Berry said:
Check with your web host and see what the correct name of the default home
page should be (ex: index.htm, index.html, default.htm, default.html etc).
It sounds like you have two home pages. The one that appears when you try is the one that is set by the web server and that's what
Google sees.

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