FrontPage 2003 and .htaccess files...



I am using FronPage 2003 to work on a web site that is hosted on a Linux box.
I DO NOT have FrontPage extensions installed on the server, I am using FTP
to synchronize the server and my local copy.

When I go to synchronize the files between the server and my local machine,
FrontPage is trying to synchronize the .htaccess files I have on the server.
When it tries to copy those files to my local machine I get the following

Server error: The URL '.htaccess' is invlaid. It may refer to an
nonexistent file or folder, or refer to a valid file or folder that is not in
the current web.

I assume I am getting this error because Windows XP cannot handle the
filename '.htaccess'. I think it's trying to write the file to my local
machine and it can't because the filename is invalid.

Has anyone else encountered this? It is a giant pain because I used to just
be able to hit the synchronize button and everything was done for me. Now I
have to display a list of files that need to be published, highlight the
files except '.htaccess', and synchronize them.


Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

FrontPage is trying to protect you. there's no need for an .htaccess file
on a windows machine, so it's balking.


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.


Actually, it would be nice to have a backup of those files, but I can live
without them. The issue is that this "feature" makes it a pain to
synchronize. Does anyone have a solution for that?

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