FrontPage 2003 not working with Windows 7



Any assistance would be much appreciated.

I just bought a new laptop with Windows 7.
I installed FrontPage 2003 and am trying to load my website on to it.

The program looks to run AOK up to the point of accessing the internet with
Front Page Sharepoint services.

So far I have:

Loaded the 60 trial of MS Office in hopes something was missed in the
Frontpage install. Heaven forbid Microsoft were to sell an incomplete

Checked and loaded the latest service pack for office with sharepoint sevices

Spent endless hours on the phone with my web server tech at KTB.NET

Spent endless hours researching this to no avail.

Last night I updloaded Sharepoint Designer in hopes for a solution and I am
getting the same problem.

Now uploading Sharepoint Services 3.0 with services pack 2.

I have just run compatiblity scan of the computer and came up with this

Program Compatibility Publisher details

Issues found
Incompatible Application
Incompatible Application
Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 is incompatible. Detected
Fix application Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Completed

Issues found Detection details

6 Incompatible Application Detected

Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 is incompatible.
Fix application Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Completed

Provides steps to fix the incompatible application.


User Verification of Solution

Detection details

Collection information
Computer Name: TONY-PC
Windows Version: 6.1
Architecture: amd64
Time: Friday, November 06, 2009 3:49:21 PM

Publisher details

Program Compatibility
Make older programs run in this version of Windows.
Package Version: 1.5
Publisher: Microsoft Windows
Program Compatibility
Make older programs run in this version of Windows.
Package Version: 1.0
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation


You might want to post your question in a FrontPage newsgroup such as

This group is for Publisher webdesign.


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