Frontpage 2003 Publishing Connection Timed Out


Pascal Thiou


I can not publish my site on my laptop web server (IIS).
During the process, Frontpage stops the publishing and
displays this error message: The connection timed out. I
use the publishing to an extended server option.

Somebody has information about this error?

My configuration is:
- Thinkpad R40 Laptop
- Windows XP Pro
- Frontpage 2003

Pascal Thiou

Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----

I can not publish my site on my laptop web server (IIS).
During the process, Frontpage stops the publishing and
displays this error message: The connection timed out. I
use the publishing to an extended server option.

Somebody has information about this error?

My configuration is:
- Thinkpad R40 Laptop
- Windows XP Pro
- Frontpage 2003

Please try the advice at:

Connection Times Out During Publish

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

Pascal Thiou


I have corrected this problem with intallation of
FrontPage Server Extensions 2002 (version 5.x). Downloads
url=/library/en-us/dnservext/html/fpse02win.asp. The
version of FrontPage Server Extensions in XP Pro CD
Installation is older (version 4.x) for FrontPage 2003.

Thanks for your collaboration,
Pascal Thiou

Ken Lyon

Yes! Downloading and installing the updated version of frontpage 2002
server extensions solved this problem for me, too.


Stefan B Rusynko

Contact your host and have them run a check on the FP SE health

also check that you are not running a firewall blocking the site

| I'm getting the "Server "" Timed Out" message nearly instantly (i.e. within a second or two) after starting the Publish. The tips
in the article referenced above seem to apply only if the timeout takes a few minutes to occur. Seems like something else must be
going wrong rather than just having an older version of server extensions with shorter timeout values. Any other ideas? I could
reinstall server extensions, but then I'll have to republish everything and I'm afraid to try that since publishing isn't working at
the moment because of this time out.
| BTW, this did work fine until recently and the web site is not particularly large.
| Thanks,
| Sam

Sam S.

Additional information

Now I've determined that the error message appears for many operations, not just publish. It appears if I publish to a different local folder, as well as if I attempt to click on "Reports" or "Hyperlinks". My web host verified that they could publish to my site

I've tried uninstalling ZoneAlarm and a Cisco Software VPN to no avail

I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling FP, as well as the Detect and Repair feature.

Tools->Web Settings... says FP extensions version = and Server Version = "No Server Currently in Use

This computer is attached through a router, but how would I know if the router's built-in firewall is causing the problem--note that this all has worked previously with the router in place, and I haven't changed the router's configuration AFAIK

Is there some type of test I can run to see if something is blocking access to a particular port that is involved in all of these functions

Thanks in advance for any additional ideas..


Stefan B Rusynko

Try opening your site in FP or thru IE using File Edit w/ FP

| Additional information:
| Now I've determined that the error message appears for many operations, not just publish. It appears if I publish to a different
local folder, as well as if I attempt to click on "Reports" or "Hyperlinks". My web host verified that they could publish to my
| I've tried uninstalling ZoneAlarm and a Cisco Software VPN to no avail.
| I also tried uninstalling and reinstalling FP, as well as the Detect and Repair feature.
| Tools->Web Settings... says FP extensions version = and Server Version = "No Server Currently in Use"
| This computer is attached through a router, but how would I know if the router's built-in firewall is causing the problem--note
that this all has worked previously with the router in place, and I haven't changed the router's configuration AFAIK.
| Is there some type of test I can run to see if something is blocking access to a particular port that is involved in all of these
| Thanks in advance for any additional ideas...
| Sam

Stefan B Rusynko

If it is only happening w/ your online hosted site in FP, contact your host and ask them to increase the server timeout
You indicated the problem occurs when you open you online site and try to view reports
- that requires the FP SE on the site to process the reports and indicates a server error

| I don't think I understand the suggestion--I can open the site in FP with no problem and can view any of the pages of the site in
FP. What are you thinking might be the problem?
| The timeout message only appears if I try to publish anywhere (local folder or remote host) or if I try to execute certain views
like "Reports".
| Thanks,
| Sam

Stefan B Rusynko

Find and delete all web cache files (*.web)
- then open the online site and run Tools recalculate hyperlinks

| New information:
| The problem appears to be limited to a particular web that I've been working with. When I open an older version
| of this web, everything works fine. Therefore, I'm assuming that something is corrupted in my web. I've added several new forms
and new pages since it last worked, so perhaps there is a problem with one of the forms? Now my question becomes: "How do I fix a
corrupt web?". I tried "Recalculate Hyperlinks", but this also gives the "Server "" Timed Out" error message.
| Any ideas on how to debug and fix this?
| Thanks!
| Sam

Thomas A. Rowe

You really should never let external application write files into your FP web, you should always
open your web, and then use the FP import function or drag-n-drop the file into your current open FP
web, this will avoid issue like this from happening in the future with other applications. Also
avoid view your web folder content outside of FP with Windows Explorer or My Computer if using
Windows XP, as it will create a hidden thumbs.db unless you disable caching of thumbnail for all
folders under Windows.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Sam S. said:
I found the problem, and it's pretty interesting :)!

Turns out that PaperPort (application included with my scanner) auto-inserted a PPTHUMBS.PTN file
in the images folder of my web site. The file was huge (2GB, I believe!). I discovered this as I was
attempting to manually copy files to a backup copy of the site. I deleted the file and now
everything works!!!
I also went into PaperPort and turned off the option which (I think) is responsible for creating these files.

If FP had displayed a more meaningful error message, I might have figured this out a long time ago
:-(. Anybody from MS listening on this thread?
BTW, one residual issue: when I publish, FP claims that several files are "Unmatched" even though
they appear to be identical on local and remote sites. It says that it is going to publish these
files to the remote, but it only publishes the files that are truly out of sync. This doesn't get
resolved after publishing, so how do I fully sync up?

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