Frontpage automation error



Hi there,
I do hope someone can help me- I have been having problems with Frontpage -
I use two add ins from Jimco - Spawn and anotheer one which I have not yet
used - for hotspots. I use the Sapwn add in a lot but after a while it
dissapears from the right click menu and then when I try to use it I get a
message saying there is an automation error and Jimco Spawn just won't work.
I have to turn the computer off - scan it with Mcaffe, Spybot, Adware then it
seems to work. I don't trawl the internet except for news/weather so don't
think I pick up anything from there. My frontpage also keeps loading up a
previous version of the website I am constructing which does not even exist
in my web site folder in documents - it is ages old and I don't know where it
is picking this up from. However the automation error for Jimco spawn, the
loading of an old website are all connected in some way. I have tried
repairing Frontpage from my 2003 disc but this does not resolve the problem.
I close the site and open it again by browsing to the documentts folder - the
older version still comes up. Please help me to sort this problem out,
with advance thanks,

Steve Easton

1. Clear your browser temporary internet and history files.

2. Go here: and download FP
Download links are at the bottom of the page.
Run the functions that clear:
The FrontPage Temporary files.
The Cache (*.web) files.

See if it helps.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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........................with a computer


Thanks Steve - this has helped quite a lot - however occasionally the Spawn
ad in just won't go still - it must be connected to some action I perform -
an error box pops up saying that spawn has not loaded - I then turn the
computere off - turn it on again and hey presto it is there. should I
uninstall all the Jimco addins and reinstall them - when I look in programmes
I have a jimco folder with 1 file in it then all the addins then have their
own folder - would this be right?

thanks for the below help though - it worked a treat,


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