FrontPage Books



I have FrontPage 2002.
I need to create an Intranet for our Company. I really do not want to print
off the whole "help" area, so I am looking for a good beginners book for
someone who is just beginning to use Frontpage. Can anyone recommend a book
they have used and feel is user friendly?

Thank you - aurora

B. J.

I have FP 2003 and bought "FrontPage 2003 All-In-One Desk Reference for
Dummies". You might try looking for the 2002 version. When I encountered
problems creating my web pages, I looked for help in this order: 1) FP Help
Files, 2)FrontPage for Dummies reference and 3) Frontpage Discussion Group.
So, you might find that you don't need a book at all. This Discussion forum
has been immensely helpful for me. You might want to spend some time viewing
current and previous posts for some great tips on how to get started.

Good luck!

B. J.


Since FP is pretty old, and will be discontinued, you might look at the free
beta for the new Microsoft Expressions Web rather than spend too much time
learning what will soon be a mostly obsolete program.

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