FrontPage Changes index.htm to index.html




I have a problem that is frustrating me to no end. Any
insights would be greatly appreciated.

I have a website that I created with FP2000. I have
recently upgraded to FP2003 and also upgraded to a new
computer. Due to these upgrades I needed to publish a
copy of my site from my web server to my pc so that I can
have a copy of the site on my pc.

To do this I opened the site from the web server using
FP2003 and then published the site to my pc. The site on
my web server contained a file called index.htm, as well
as many other files with the .htm extension. The copy of
my website on my pc also contained a file called
index.htm, as well as many other files with the .htm
extension. So far so good.

My problem arose when I made changes to the website that
was now on my pc and went to publish the changes back to
my webserver. What happened when I published is that
FP2003 automatically changed the index.htm to index.html
without updating any links that referred to the original
index.htm file. Needless to say, this caused hundreds of
broken links on my site. All of the other .htm files on
my website were not affected by this problem, only the
index file was affected.

I have messed with this for many hours and can not
determine why FP2003 is making this automatic conversion.

Again, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards,



Hi Ben,

It will make that changed based upon the server settings as to the default
page name and type of OS.

Stefan B Rusynko

Check w/ your host to verify the real home page file name required
index.htm or index.html
And rename your local file to that name, then check your navigation view for the home page icon in it and the page structure

(FP will rename the home page file to the 1st default file name set by your host)

| Hello,
| I have a problem that is frustrating me to no end. Any
| insights would be greatly appreciated.
| I have a website that I created with FP2000. I have
| recently upgraded to FP2003 and also upgraded to a new
| computer. Due to these upgrades I needed to publish a
| copy of my site from my web server to my pc so that I can
| have a copy of the site on my pc.
| To do this I opened the site from the web server using
| FP2003 and then published the site to my pc. The site on
| my web server contained a file called index.htm, as well
| as many other files with the .htm extension. The copy of
| my website on my pc also contained a file called
| index.htm, as well as many other files with the .htm
| extension. So far so good.
| My problem arose when I made changes to the website that
| was now on my pc and went to publish the changes back to
| my webserver. What happened when I published is that
| FP2003 automatically changed the index.htm to index.html
| without updating any links that referred to the original
| index.htm file. Needless to say, this caused hundreds of
| broken links on my site. All of the other .htm files on
| my website were not affected by this problem, only the
| index file was affected.
| I have messed with this for many hours and can not
| determine why FP2003 is making this automatic conversion.
| Again, any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
| Best Regards,
| Ben

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