Frontpage Discussion Forum



I created a discussion forum on a website using the
Frontpage website template. For some reason I don't
understand the "Contents" of the discussion forum always
gets deleted out, so that there are no contents in cache
within the discussion forum.

Stefan B Rusynko

Is your DW a subweb
- if not every time you publish your root it wipes out the files in _disc1
If your host supports subwebs publish the DW to a subweb and then never publish to it again

| I created a discussion forum on a website using the
| Frontpage website template. For some reason I don't
| understand the "Contents" of the discussion forum always
| gets deleted out, so that there are no contents in cache
| within the discussion forum.


The knowledge base says ther are 'certain' files that
should NOT be published when updating a Discussion Web.
The reason I am here is to try and identify
those 'certain' files.
I will create a new post, but if you get any additional
info, could you let me know? I will do the same for you


Stefan B Rusynko

The tocproto.htm in your _disc1 folder (or whatever you named that folder) should not be published,
- it contains all the dynamically created includes for your message threads as user post to the DW
Plus FP will try to (and often does) delete all posts in that same folder when you publish
- since they are files on the server that are not on the local version

That is why if is recommend that if your host support subwebs,
- you make the DW a subweb and never publish to it again
(always open it in FP online to edit it if you need to)

| The knowledge base says ther are 'certain' files that
| should NOT be published when updating a Discussion Web.
| The reason I am here is to try and identify
| those 'certain' files.
| I will create a new post, but if you get any additional
| info, could you let me know? I will do the same for you
| ScottR
| >-----Original Message-----
| >I created a discussion forum on a website using the
| >Frontpage website template. For some reason I don't
| >understand the "Contents" of the discussion forum always
| >gets deleted out, so that there are no contents in cache
| >within the discussion forum.
| >.
| >

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