FrontPage Extensions



Can I use Frontpagee to create a website to be run on a webserver that does
not support FrontPage extensions?

Tom [Pepper] Willett

Yes, as long as you don't use any of the components that require the
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
"You're a daisy if you do!"
FrontPage Support:
: Can I use Frontpagee to create a website to be run on a webserver that
: not support FrontPage extensions?

Malcolm Walker

When I had a site that was on a server without FPSE I used a third party
utility to `clean' the FP HTML and it worked very well.

Have a look at KISSfp and the associated MenuPlus at the url:

I am mentioning these utilities only as a satisfied former user.

Malcolm Walker

Apologies - I have had a look at the KISSfp site and find that
downloading and contact messages result in 404 errors. I hope I haven't
wasted your time.

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