Frontpage: extra space between shared border & page content?



On my Frontpage (html) pages I've used Shared Borders and have a gap/margin
of about 15 pixels between the left Shared border and main page content that
I can't seem to get rid of. I've eliminated all properties and css margins
that I can find. What is the source of this gap of space?

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

It's a little more than 15 px, but you can't get rid of it if you use Shared

You may want to look into using Includes (Insert | Web Components | Included
Content | Page) for the same effect but more control.

| On my Frontpage (html) pages I've used Shared Borders and have a
| of about 15 pixels between the left Shared border and main page content
| I can't seem to get rid of. I've eliminated all properties and css margins
| that I can find. What is the source of this gap of space?

Andrew Murray

That space (before the "dotted line") is the actual shared border. If you
don't want it, then turn the border off (Format > Shared Borders). That line
won't show up when you preview in browser or view on the web;

If the above is not the case, it may be to do with Page Margins; try setting
them to "0" (zero). has a tool to do this which
generates the correct code for Netscape/IE/Other browsers.

This can be done through styles such as



{ margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; }


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