FrontPage freezes when publishing



Hello everyone. I am having trouble publishing to a new
webpage. Don't ask me how I was able to publish to the
first one, but Frontpage freezes when I try to publish to
a new website location. Each time I tried to in the past
it came back with the error "There is no web server at
that location or there are problems with the server."
(esentially) How do you create a new location? I can
create a new web, I just cant publish it... Please
help! ! Thank you in advance for your help and advice.


Thomas A. Rowe

Where are you trying to publish to a remote server or your local PC?

If a remote server, you can not create a new root web, you can only create
subwebs, if your host allows them.

To publish to a remote server, with the web open in FP, do File Menu |
Publish Web and enter then enter your login
info, click Ok.

To publish to a subweb, change URL to


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Currently I am working with 2 Windows 2000 Asv. Servers.
One is my domain controller, web server, etc. The other
is running ISA to do everything else. I have reloaded
that one more than once. What I cannot figure out is all
the rules I have configured for Terminal Services, email
and blocking certain sites have worked. Now, at this
point I cant figure out if my problem lies in web
publishing on the web server side or the ISA side. One
problem I am hitting is when attempting to publish a test
page to even get started, is the "Unable to
open ''." Server error: Then
listing 4 possible errors. I am not sure how to intrepret
this issue. Any idea?
Thank you for your time and advice.

Thomas A. Rowe

Try the following:

Set up support as a subweb of,
which will allow you to connected to it easily with FP.

Then in your DNS, point to the support subweb.

Make sure you have applied and configured the extensions for domain web


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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