Frontpage - IIS



I apologise for cross posting this message but I have no idea which
newsgroup it belongs in.

I have a laptop, it is running XP Professional with service pack 2.

I have a legitimate copy of MS Frontpage.

All I want to do is to get Frontpage installed so I can create/test and
deploy web sites.

I should say that I have a perfect set up on my desktop. I have created and
deployed sites using the exact same set up, but the problem is am now abroad
and do not have access to my desktop and i need to make some alterations to
my web sites.

Whether it is relevant or not I have Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 and
Micrfosoft Visual Studio .Net installed on both machines.

I installed Frontpage on my laptop. I then installed IIS from my windows
disks, making sure I had installed the 2000 extensions.

On my desktop I have 2002 extensions, but first things first I think lets
try to get things working with these basic elements.

I know http:\\localhost is running because I can access it.

However when I try to make FP create a web e.g. http://localhost/test I get
an error message which says...

The Web Server at "http://localhost" does not appear to have Windows
SharePoint Services Installed.

I should add that I did download the FP2002 instalation patch and have ran
it. But previous information told me to remove this through control panel |
add remove programs, which I have done.

Can someone please send me a simple to follow set of instructions, or at
least work with me to sort this matter out. By work with me I mean answer
more then just the first few messages.

Chris Leeds, MVP - FrontPage

Try creating your subweb before publishing with FrontPage (using the IIS
control panel).
also, you might have some success by (in FrontPage) file/ open site (type in
http://localhost/) and open it with FrontPage, then with localhost open,
create a new folder and name it what you want, right click it and chose
"convert to sub site/ sub web".


Have you seen ContentSeed (
Chris Leeds

This message was posted from an unmonitored email account.
This is an unfortunate necessity due to high volumes of spam sent to email
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Sorry for any inconvenience.


Since you removed the FP2002 extensions, you may have also removed the
FP2000 extensions at the same time.
Open the IIS MMC, expand the folder tree and right click the default web
Choose check Server extensions from the context menu.

If you are running IE7 you may have to add localhost to the Intranet
sites zone.
In IE7, Tools->Internet Options - Security tab
Click Local Intranet
Click Sites button
Click Advanced
Type in http://localhost and click Add - you may have to clear the
Require server verification box near the bottom of the dialogue.
Click Close and OK
Click Custom Level button
Scroll down to User Authentication section (right at the bottom) and
select Automatic Logon...
Click OK, click OK

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