Frontpage Include Problem


Jon B

I just created a new website with frontpage 2002, and use
the Insert > Web Component > Included Content > Page
feature several times. I have used SSI before, but I am
trying to make the switch to frontpage and was hoping this
includes method would accomplish the same thing as SSI.
Everything looks fine when I view it on my computer (even
when I hit the "preview" tab in the lower left). However,
I "publish the web" using frontpage like I've been told,
but none of the included pages appear when they are viewed

You can check the page (and my code) at . I am pretty certain
that there are no typos or bad links to the files or
anything. To see what the site is SUPPOSED to look like,
take a look at this screenshot I took from previewing it
in frontpage: .

If this is a problem with my host, what should I ask them
to do/install so that the pages will work? And since it's
a university host and they probably won't help me, what
can I do differently on my own to get it to work? If I try
SSI, I won't be able to view any of the code in frontpage.

I've been asking around some other forums and people were
a bit confused by why I had an include in the header, so I
moved it to the body but it didn't make any difference. I
also realized that I was missing an opening body tag, but
I put one in and that didn't make any difference either.

Any help is much appreciated... thanks in advance.

Tom Pepper Willett

Do the include pages actually reside in the same web, or are you trying to
pull them from another web or source? They must be in the same web.
Tom "Pepper" Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
About FrontPage 2003:
FrontPage 2003 Product Information:
Understanding FrontPage:
FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions Support Center:;en-us;fp10se

Jon B

Sorry, disregard this, just fixed it myself. The included
pages all needed to have html and body tags in them,
unlike SSI.

Stefan B Rusynko

There is no FP Include page in your home page (or even an include page webbot tag)

You have Malformed html probably preventing the include page from being applied

The table in the HEAD Section listed below needs to be moved inside of your BODY tags in html/code view

<div align="center">
<table border="0" width="100%" bgcolor="#550000" style="border-collapse: collapse" bordercolor="#111111" cellpadding="0"
cellspacing="0"> <tr height="40">
<td width="50%" align="center" height="40"><p align="left">
<a href="Default.asp">Home</a> | <a href="mainpages/about.asp">About</a> |
<a href="mainpages/roster.asp">Club Roster</a> | <a href="mainpages/contact.asp">Contact Us</a></td>
<td width="50%" align="center" height="40"><div align="right">
<a href=""></a></div>
</td></tr> <tr height="204"> <td align="center" height="204" colspan="2"><p align="center">
<img border="0" src="images/colgaterugbylogo.jpg" width="606" height="133"></p>
</td> </tr> </table></div>

| I just created a new website with frontpage 2002, and use
| the Insert > Web Component > Included Content > Page
| feature several times. I have used SSI before, but I am
| trying to make the switch to frontpage and was hoping this
| includes method would accomplish the same thing as SSI.
| Everything looks fine when I view it on my computer (even
| when I hit the "preview" tab in the lower left). However,
| I "publish the web" using frontpage like I've been told,
| but none of the included pages appear when they are viewed
| online.
| You can check the page (and my code) at
| . I am pretty certain
| that there are no typos or bad links to the files or
| anything. To see what the site is SUPPOSED to look like,
| take a look at this screenshot I took from previewing it
| in frontpage:
| .
| If this is a problem with my host, what should I ask them
| to do/install so that the pages will work? And since it's
| a university host and they probably won't help me, what
| can I do differently on my own to get it to work? If I try
| SSI, I won't be able to view any of the code in frontpage.
| I've been asking around some other forums and people were
| a bit confused by why I had an include in the header, so I
| moved it to the body but it didn't make any difference. I
| also realized that I was missing an opening body tag, but
| I put one in and that didn't make any difference either.
| Any help is much appreciated... thanks in advance.

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