Yes download / run the appropriate "updates" for your specific OS on that computer from a drive always associated w/ that computer
SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| I dont know which frontpage updates i installed, i know
| that they were the service packs. So you want me to put
| updates onto a cd and boot them when i startup my
| computer? Or would you like me just to update microsoft
| frontpage with the appropriate updats from the website
| that are needed for my computer? Whatever it is i am
| willing to try because it is no fun with my frontpage and
| sometimes word not working

| -Cory
| >-----Original Message-----
| >What FP updates did you install?
| >- not aware of any specifically only for FP 2002
| >
| >Note: when you install programs many things are written
| to the windows boot drive and registry which may not be
| present when you try
| >to run them from a removable drive
| >
| >Try downloading the "updates" again and running them
| from your windows boot disc
| >
| >--
| >_____________________________________________
| >SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP -
| FrontPage ]
| >"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-
| ;
| >To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >
| >_____________________________________________
| >
| >
| | >| What happends when i load frontpage is this error:
| >|
| >| AppName: frontpg.exe AppVer: 10.0.2623.0 ModName:
| >| unknown
| >| ModVer: Offset: 74706b41
| >|
| >| If that helps then any help would be greatly
| appreciated,
| >| thank you.
| >|
| >|
| >|
| >| >-----Original Message-----
| >| >Exactly what happens when you try to launch
| >| >FrontPage??
| >| >
| >| >--
| >| >95isalive
| >| >This site is best viewed...............
| >| >...........................with a computer
| >| >| >| >> Both of the computer are running the same operating
| >| >> system and both have the same service packs, I had
| done
| >| >> detect and repair about 3 times so far, and the
| problem
| >| >> consists, i also uninstalled / reinstalled
| frontpage,
| >| >> problem still there. I didnt know what else to do,
| so
| >| i
| >| >> came onto the support page, if anything else might
| >| work i
| >| >> am willing to give it a try, except for
| >| reformatting... I
| >| >> did that 3 weeks ago

| >| >>
| >| >> THanks
| >| >> -Cory
| >| >>
| >| >>
| >| >> >-----Original Message-----
| >| >> >The problem here is that there are differences
| >| >> >in updates between OS versions.
| >| >> >Are the OS's the same, and did they have
| >| >> >exactly the same service packs / updates installed
| >| before
| >| >> >you installed the these "updates"??
| >| >> >
| >| >> >Bottom line, repair / reinstall FP.
| >| >> >
| >| >> >--
| >| >> >95isalive
| >| >> >This site is best viewed...............
| >| >> >...........................with a computer
| >| >> >| >| >> >> I recently was at my uncles house and installed
| >| updates
| >| >> >> on that computer for Microsoft Frontpage, i saved
| >| the
| >| >> >> updates do my external hardrive then when i
| >| returned to
| >| >> >> my house i installed them on my machine. After
| >| doing
| >| >> so,
| >| >> >> frontpage has not loaded, it comes up with error
| >| >> reports
| >| >> >> and trying to install Microsoft Frontpage
| Feature.
| >| >> Then
| >| >> >> when that fails, it goes straight to error
| >| reporting.
| >| >> I
| >| >> >> have screen shots of what all goes on if anyone
| >| would
| >| >> >> like to help me. my email is (e-mail address removed) and
| >| you
| >| >> >> could just email me requesting them, there are a
| >| few of
| >| >> >> them around 220kb each. I greatly appreciate any
| >| help
| >| >> >> that is given.
| >| >> >>
| >| >> >> -Cory
| >| >> >
| >| >> >
| >| >> >.
| >| >> >
| >| >
| >| >
| >| >.
| >| >
| >
| >
| >.
| >