Frontpage not showing pages in navigation view



I am having difficulty updating my website. I open the webpage in frontpage
2003 and can see the folders and files. However when I try to get to the
navigation view, nothing shows up. I know the program worked 2 weeks ago.
Has anyone had this type of problem before? I'm getting very frustrated with

Stefan B Rusynko

Start be making sure you are Opening the FP Site (not just the page) using File Open Site (not File Open page)
- then run a Tool Recalculate Hyperlinks before switching to View navigation


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

|I am having difficulty updating my website. I open the webpage in frontpage
| 2003 and can see the folders and files. However when I try to get to the
| navigation view, nothing shows up. I know the program worked 2 weeks ago.
| Has anyone had this type of problem before? I'm getting very frustrated with
| this.

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