FrontPage Port 80 closed?


John Jason Hajicek

I have FrontPage 2002 and use Comcast Cable. Ever since I installed
AOL Broadband 9.0 I cannot upload to my web pages over my cable
connection because of a port 80 error . . . unless I sign onto AOL
through my cable first, and then the port remains open until I sign
off AOL. How did the newest version of AOL close my port 80 (a
firewall?)? And why does AOL know how to open the port that it needs
but FrontPage does not know how to open the same port that it needs?
If programs can report errors they should be able to report how to fix
them. Can I open the port myself using windows commands? I do not
even use AOL except as a third test (IE, Netscape, AOL) on my web
pages. I do not want to even see their icon while my pages are

Stefan B Rusynko

Can't help you,
but it is not uncommon for AOL to "hijack" elements of the PC
- similar to Yahoo IM hijacking port 80 and preventing any other program from using it

| I have FrontPage 2002 and use Comcast Cable. Ever since I installed
| AOL Broadband 9.0 I cannot upload to my web pages over my cable
| connection because of a port 80 error . . . unless I sign onto AOL
| through my cable first, and then the port remains open until I sign
| off AOL. How did the newest version of AOL close my port 80 (a
| firewall?)? And why does AOL know how to open the port that it needs
| but FrontPage does not know how to open the same port that it needs?
| If programs can report errors they should be able to report how to fix
| them. Can I open the port myself using windows commands? I do not
| even use AOL except as a third test (IE, Netscape, AOL) on my web
| pages. I do not want to even see their icon while my pages are
| uploading.

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