FrontPage Server Extensions



I used FP 2000 to set up a discussion group, everything worked fine.
Last week, i got hit by a virus and lost everything.
I formatted and reinstalled FP and recreated the discussion group.
Now, when I went post articles, I get this:

"FrontPage Run-Time Component Page
You have submitted a form or followed a link to a page that requires a
web server and the FrontPage Server Extensions to function properly.

This form or other FrontPage component will work correctly if you
publish this web to a web server that has the FrontPage Server
Extensions installed.

Click the <Back> arrow to return to the previous page."

Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance,

Kevin Spencer

Is the Discussion Group web a file-based or server-based web site? Is it on
your local machine or a remote server? How did you "recreate" it?


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
Big Things are made up of
Lots of Little Things.


Is the Discussion Group web a file-based or server-based web site?
--file-based as far as i know. how can i tell?

Is it on your local machine or a remote server?
--local machine, at my house

How did you "recreate" it?
--from scratch as a new web, using FP 2002

And my system is a 98.


Stefan B Rusynko

The FP DW requires the FP SE (on Win98 you would be running PWS and the FP SE), and you have to open a server based web/subweb
(http://localhost/dwname/) , not a disc based web (C:\webname\dwname\)

| Is the Discussion Group web a file-based or server-based web site?
| --file-based as far as i know. how can i tell?
| Is it on your local machine or a remote server?
| --local machine, at my house
| How did you "recreate" it?
| --from scratch as a new web, using FP 2002
| And my system is a 98.
| thanks,
| brian


The FP DW requires the FP SE (on Win98 you would be running PWS and the FP SE), and you have to open a server based web/subweb
(http://localhost/dwname/) , not a disc based web (C:\webname\dwname\)

Please walk me through the process of creating a server based web.
I've been troubleshooting this for three weeks and I'm about to give

I have no clue what I did the first time, but it worked just fine. And
it was on a windows 98 even! Now I'm trying on the same 98 and on my
laptop which runs xp. I'm still getting the same error:

FrontPage Run-Time Component Page
You have submitted a form or followed a link to a page that requires a
web server and the FrontPage Server Extensions to function properly.

This form or other FrontPage component will work correctly if you
publish this web to a web server that has the FrontPage Server
Extensions installed.

Click the <Back> arrow to return to the previous page.

Any help will be eternally appreciated!
ps-here's the site:
try posting an article and you'll see what i mean


Tom Miller said:
I was reading "FP2002 inside out" and 1 of the things it mentioned is that
OS's maynot have the current FP extensions when they ship. You might have
to upgrade yours. I think the website was:

I did that on my 98, but I think I'm going to stop using that. So i'll
use my XP from now on and get those updates asap.
Thanks Tom!


I'm with you. Exact same's what I've done in desperation without success:
1. Uninstalled IIS
2. Reinstalled IIS unchecking FP2002 Server Extensions
3. Downloaded & saved FP 2002 extensions fpse02_86_eng.exe. Dbl clicked, installed. They now appear in control panel l under add/remove programs
4. Changed IIS port to 79
5. Configured/extended server using DOS prompt per paper 300543 owsadm.exe -o install -p 79 -u name -sp publish
This completed ok with message Port 79: Upgrade completed
6. In FP 2002 used wizard to create discussion board D:\My Documents\Webs\testboard
7. Changed IIS default directory to above
8. In IIS, right clicked on Default Web Site/New & clicked FP 2002 Extensions Web. Named subweb fpextensions where it now appears as a folder in testboard. To me, this should enable this discussion web to function
9. Opened IE 6.0 http://localhost:79. Made dummy entries in subject/from /body & clicked submit
10. Got same old message web FrontPage Run-Time Component Page
You have submitted a form or followed a link to a page that requires a web server and the FrontPage Server Extensions to function properly.

Note: I had done all these steps several times previously. It seems to me I have installed & configured FP 2002 extensions on my server, configured my web page with a sub-folder to hold extensions, and by all logic I should be able to make a post. I've done it somehow in the past, although I'm not sure how I've tried so many things. But it's always reverted back to the error above. I've even used the paper on managing discussion threads to delete some of the junk posts. But it never lasted before error message starts reappearing. There are no other right click functions on Default Web Server in either add or all tasks that look like they will do anything for the above.

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